Support The Core Report

Hello dear listeners. This is just a small appeal on behalf of us. A lot of work goes into this show, from sourcing guests to digging for stories to recording, editing, mixing and distribution. The few of us who work on this podcast, do our best to bring you the most up-to-date business stories. If you enjoy our work, and feel like these stories have helped you in any way, do consider supporting us! And of course, thank you all for tuning in regularly. A podcast is nothing without its listeners.


About The Core Podcast

Every Monday to Friday, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj takes you through the most pressing and trend-setting topics of the day in business and tech, keeping you up-to-date and in-the-know on subjects and themes that will keep you ahead of the pack. Entrepreneurs, corner suite executives and aspirants for both…this is your show!

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